
Mindlax is a mobile application

designed to reduce loneliness and

stress among international students

through meditation programs and



Product Designer

Product Strategy, User

Research, User Analysis,

Interaction, Visual design


15 March -17 May 2022

See prototype

Interviews and Surveys

To understand the challenges faced by international students coming to Australia for the first time, we conducted interviews with students from different cultural backgrounds.


• Understand the challenges faced by international students

• Understand the negative experiences faced by international students

• Understand their daily life

• Know their ways to relax and reduce stress

Based on the responses we received, we formulated the questions for an online survey, which was answered by 12 people in one week.

Findings from interviews

and surveys

Building empathy

Using the quantitative and qualitative data from interviews and survey results,I defined the two target group profiles Feng (Student, 25), Lisa Student, 24) to better empathize with my main user groups and prioritize goals according to their needs.

Affinity Diagram
User Journey Map

High-fidelity Prototype

Login Page

Home Page

Our homepage design is simple, convenient and the easiest for international students

Meditation Page

Music Page

Friends Page

Profile Page

Promote Video

Lessons Learned & Key Takeways

Some key takeaways from this Case Study are that:

#1 Big challenges require small steps

Take small steps, because it's impossible to bring about huge changes overnight, especially not just in one app. Therefore, develop more strategic and realistic tools to quide the desired direction

#2 Be open to research and let ideas go

My thinking was too narrow and my thoughts on the outcome were too concrete, so l failed to properly consider some of the needs and challenges of the target group, thus detrimentally defining the minimum viable product.

#3 The best designs come from collaboration

t was inspiring to see how each person was able to bring to the table a different perspective during the prototype sessions. I've noticed that working with team members can be effective. ln some areas, everyone had a different opinion, and in some cases, we aareed. Each of us had to do the work on time so that the rest of the team could complete the following sections to deliver the proiect on time.

#4 User Human-centered Design comes first

Putting the user experience first is vital because people will only care about how they use the product. The simplicity of our app's experience helped to differentiate our proposition and stand out.

Team: JunKai Li / Zeyang Gao / Pegah Jalali / Ziqian Zhang / Qingni Zou / Yu Cheng