"Hello! I'm Ziqian, and I'm a multimedia and digital designer"

With years of experience in graphic and multimedia design I have mastered the skills of understanding client requirements according to the latest trends.

I've spent most of these years working across different areas of design like graphic, video, game, app / website UX/UI to my current role designing products for multimple platforms. Having worked on various projects that are already live, I can help you with the best possible suggestions and ideas that we can proceed with. With me, you aren't forced to accept anything. I give you a variety of options we can work on together.


Diploma of Communication - Digital and social media

Bachelor of Communication - Media arts & production

Master of IT (lnteractive media)


University of Technology Sydney

University of Technology Sydney

University of Technology Sydney


Jan 2018 - June 2019

July 2019- June 2021

July 2021- now

ABOUT MY SKILLS My Skills are in High Demand

Right now, companies have never had such a high demand for content creation. Streaming is blowing up, games are breaking records, movies will never be stopped, and people all over the world are craving entertainment and new products more than ever. I have the following skills.

Building my digital

artist career has never

been easier.